Do you want to know how to apply for a Birth Certificate, Pass Port, Driving License or a Family Ration Card, you have the guidelines in the site. How to file E returns of Income Tax, etc, you can learn from it.
There are various information provided under various heads such as, Citizen, Business and Overseas. In Web Directories, Telephone Directories of various places in India is available. Even STD/ISD Codes and PIN Codes are provided.
Various Maps of India, such as India Map, Maps of States, Demographic Maps and Sectoral Maps are also available.
Under various headings such as Government, Know India and Sectors a variety of information is packed. Photo Galleries on Customs & Life Style, Culture & Heritage and Travel & Tourism are also displayed under Know India Under Sectors details on various sectors such as, Agriculture, Rural Development, Health & Family Welfare, Finance, Science & Technology, Transport and Environments & Forests are given. Important Government Documents are available under “Documents” and various Government related forms are given under “Forms”. And details of various Public Tenders are available under “Tenders”. Various Greeting Cards are available under “Greetings”.
To become a member of the “Indian National Portals”, you have to register by giving basic particulars about yourselves and sign up and make full use of the website by logging in with your ID and Password.
If you want you can have the contents in Hindi also.
Enter into the National Portal of India and find out what more useful data you get and make use of the same.