In India the Election Commission comprises a total of three Election Commissioners including one Chief Election Commissioner/CEO. The present Election Commission comprised of:-
The term of the present CEO Mr. N.Gopalaswamy ended on 20th April 2009 and Mr. Navin Chawla is taking over as the country’s 16th CEO on 21st April 2009 and he will be the CEO of India till 29th July 2010.
Mr. Veeravalli Sundaram Sampth has been appointed as the third Election Commissioner.
The following persons have held the post of the Chief Election Commissioner of India:-
1. Mr.Sukumar Sen- from 21st March 1950 to 19th December 1958
2.Mr. K.V.K. Sundaram-from 20th December 1958 to 30th September 1967
3. Mr.S.P. Sen Verma-from 1st October 1967 to 30th September 1972
4. Dr. Nagendra Singh – from 1st October 1972 to 6th February 1973
5. Mr. T. Swaminathan- from 7th February 1973 to 17th June 1977
6. Mr. S. L. Shakdhar- from 18th June 1977 to 17th June 1982
7. Mr.R.K. Trivedi- from 18th June 1982 to 31st December 1985
8.Mr. R.V.S. Peri Sastri- from 1st January 1986 to 25th November 1990
9. Ms. V.S. Ramadevi- from 26th November 1990 to 11th December 1990
10. Mr.T.N. Seshan -from 12th December 1990 to 11th December 1996
11.Mr.M. S. Gill – from 12th December 1996 to 13th June 2001
12. Mr.J.M. Lyngdoh – from 14th June 2001 to 7th February 2004
13. Mr.T S Krishnamurthy : from 8th February 2004 to 15th May 2005
14. Mr.B.B. Tandon : from 16th May 2005 to 29th June 2006
15. Mr.N. Gopalaswami : from 30th June 2006 to 20th April 2009