Coal India has proposed a 11% hike in coal prices and consequently, the expenses of power generation by NTPC will go up. It is notable that out of 30 000 MW power generated by NTPC 26 000 MW come from coal-based plants and the hike in rate of electricity will be inevitable.NTPC will naturally increase the rates charged for supplying power to the distributors.
Each state has its own “State Electricity Regulatory Commission”, which decides on power tariffs. According to power ministry sources, the hike in raw material prices will be automatically passed on to the distribution firm by the generating company.
Hence, as the result of Coal India hiking coal prices the consumers/the end-users of electricity will have to spend more for their monthly/bi-monthly EB bills.
We must try to reduce consumption of Electricity, or be ready to pay more of EB Bill. We must switch off unnecessary lights and fans in our houses and even in offices and public places.
Inspite of increasing announced/pre-planned power-cuts and frequent power-cuts for maintenance sometimes the road lights are not switched off even after 8’O clock in the morning in some cities, due to perhaps the failure of auto-switch off system. This matter must be taken care of by the concerned Electricity Board or Corporation Officials.
Power Saved is Power Generated!