Medical Transcription Jobs in India

The Medical History of the patients and the Interactions of the doctors with their patients will be recorded in audio files for further and future reference. This will be done by the doctors themselves or their assistants.

Medical Transcription is a work of ‘transcribing’ or converting the audio data originating from doctors abroad into written form soft copy files. It will be more convenient to have the medical history of their patients in readable form.

In India, the Medical Transcription Jobs come under Information Technology Enabled Services/ ITES. It is similar to BPO job. India is a favorite country for Medical Trasnscription Outsourcing. In India Medical Transcription Jobs for the following countries are undertaken:-

  • United States of America,
  • The Great Britain and
  • Australia.

In India, in the following cities the Medical Transcription Jobs are done and there are many companies/firms taking up the Medical Transcription Jobs:-

  • Bangalore (Karnataka),
  • Mangalore (Karnataka),
  • Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
  • Chennai- (Tamil Nadu),
  • Cochin- (Kerala),
  • Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala),
  • Mumbai-(Maharastra),
  • Pune- (Maharastra),
  • Nagpur (Maharastra),
  • Kolkata- (West Bengal) and
  • New Delhi.

There is a great demand for people for Medical Transcription in the companies in the above cities, and especially in cities like Bangalore and Mumbai.

For becoming a “Medical Transcriptionist” or “MT” training for a few months is necessary. The training for “MT” involves theory and on the job training (OJT).
A person after the training (Trainee) will have various stages of the job like:-

  • Junior MT,
  • Senior MT,
  • Executive MT.

The Medical Transcription Job is basically a Job of typing work. However, an MT requires knowledge of Medical Terms. An MT will have to refer the following:-

  • Medical books
  • Electronic dictionaries like the Stedman’s, Quick look,
  • English Dictionaries and
  • Many available Medical Reference Books.

An MT will have to develop and use ‘listening skills’. Medical Transcriptionists are also called “Medical Language Specialists”. An MT will have to use many of the organs in the job like:-

  • eyes for reading,
  • ears for listening,
  • fingers for typing,
  • legs for foot pedal to control the voice player software of the computer.

The Medical Transcription work is done at various levels in sequence. The data from the audio files of the doctors are initially converted into written form by the Junior Level MT’s. The work done by the Junior MT’s will be checked and edited by Senior MT’s. and the edited data will be re-checked by Quality Controllers (QC)/Quality Analysts (QA). The QC’s/QA’s will normally qualified and experience doctor.The original job done by the Junior MT will be edited by the Senior MT/ Editor, by correcting the mistakes and filling up the omissions. The QA’s will re-check and complete the data, by correcting mistakes not corrected pending omissions, if any, which could not be corrected by the Editor. The work from the QA’s will be finally perused by “Proof Readers” who will check Grammar and Sentence Structuring. The entire process from receiving the audio files from doctors, distribution of the transcription jobs to MT’s at various levels and submission of the final completed transcribed data in written form to the doctors, are monitored by “Production Managers”. The Turn Around Time will be either a 12 hours cycle or a 24 hours cycle or a STAT cycle. The number of levels and the number of MT’s will vary from Company to Company depending on the nature of the jobs and the Client requirements and the quality of the MT’s.For doing the job of transcription of audio files of doctors into written files charges are collected from the concerned doctors by the MT Companies. The MT’s at various levels will be paid for their jobs. In India, MT’s can earn from Rs 1,000/- to Rs 50,000 depending upon the skill and accuracy of the output and completion of the work in the prescribed time limit. Indian Medical Transcription Professionals can earn more when they get Medical Transcription Jobs directly from the doctors abroad or from their representatives.

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Medical transcriptions
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13 years ago

Thanks for post this information,
It was really helpful to solve my confusion,

General and Cosmetic Dentistry

13 years ago

Thanks for the post.
It was really helpful to solve my confusion.

Medical Transcription Company

13 years ago

Thank you for the post or share information.
It will really helpful to solve my confusion

Medical Transcription Company

13 years ago

Thanks for the post. It was really helpful to solve my confusion.

Business Process Outsourcing, India

13 years ago

Thank you for the information.
this will realy helpfull for me

Medical Transcription Company

13 years ago

Quite worthily said

Jason Transcriptions
Medical Transcription Services
lt;a href="">Medical Transcription Services </a>

13 years ago

Quite worthily said

Jason Transcriptions
Medical Transcription Services
lt;a href="">Medical Transcription Services </a>

Medical Transcription Training
Medical Transcription Training
14 years ago

There are many companies who are into medical transcription business. Most of them are in India.

14 years ago

Companies are employing voice recognition technology, is it is threat to Medical transcriptionists? How will future of MT in India?

14 years ago

SRVMT is empanelling home based medical transcriptionists. If you have the skill and training, please fill in the form at

and upload your resume We would prefer at least two years experience, but if you are a newbie and think you would be an asset to our company, please feel free to send us your resume. Thank you for your interest in SRVMT and good luck in your future endeavors.

15 years ago

Dear Steve,

Thanks for your comments and reactions.

The Medical Transcription Job in India is having a very good future. Medical Transcription Job is based on the Medical Insurance and in USA there are plans to get everybody covered under Medical Insurance.

The Medical History of Patients are necessary for getting the Medical Insurance. To get the Medical History of Patients transcribed from the audio dictations of the doctors at USA from the MT's at India is cheaper for them.

According to experts in the field of Medical Transcription in India, USA is ready to offer 20% of the MT Jobs to India. Only about 5% of the available jobs in MT has been taken by the Indian MT's.

Unlike other Jobs in IT field, persons opting for MT Jobs will not be in a position to start earning immediatley upon starting the Job.

As explained in the article to acquire the required skills, a training of 3to4 months is necessary for MT's to start earning a good salary.

In India, candidates are not ready to wait for some time to gain experience for earning.

So, the future of Medical Transcription depends on the prospective candidates.

Because of the comparative low cost in getting MT from India, and the "Time-Zone Advantage" the US Government will not discourage the 'outsourcing of manpower' from India.


15 years ago

Can i know what will be the future of an Medical transcriptionist, what will be the future growth for the medical transcription industry.