Use of Mobile Phones while Driving will be punishable with Imprisonment

Using mobile phones while driving is dangerous for obvious reasons. Talking over a Mobile Phone and handling SMS’s while driving or riding will be difficult for the human brain to handle together. Many accidents take place on the roads of various parts of India, because of the unwise use of mobile phones while driving by persons :-

  • riding on two wheelers,
  • driving three wheelers/auto-rickshaws,
  • driving cars and
  • driving lorries.

All are invariably using mobile phones while they drive, ride or pillion- ride in two wheelers, ignoring the danger attached to such use of mobile phones while driving.
There is already a ban in existence, on the use of mobile phone while driving.The penalty for using mobile phones in some states are at present limited to a fine of Rs 500/- or Rs 1000/- and a warning by the traffic police.In some states, a fine of Rs 1000/- is strictly imposed under Section 177 of the “Indian Motor Vehicles Act”for using mobile phones while driving.However, the number of persons violating the above rule is increasing.
The road accidents due to the same are increasing.For taking effective measures to curb dangerous driving on roads the Government of India/The Ministry of Transport has decided to increase the penalty for use of mobile phones while driving to:-

  • Six months Imprisonment or
  • Fine of Rs 2000/- or
  • Both and will be followed by the
  • Suspension of the Driving License for six months.

A Sub-section 183 A will be added in the “Indian Motor Vehicles Act” which will define a “Mobile Phone” and the use of mobile phones while driving will be made an offence.Using hands-free devices ,sending and/ or reading SMS’s while driving will also be included in the offences related to the above rule.

For the first three offences the fine will be imposed and for the next two repetitions “negative remarks” will be made in their driving license and for the sixth time the license will be suspended.

More than the above strict penalties, and the strict implementation thereof, an awareness must be created in our minds. We must realize the danger involved in using mobile phones while we drive.

A habit of switching off of the mobile phones or putting them in “Silent Mode” must be practised by all Mobile Phone users.Related Reading:-

“Do not use Mobile when you are mobile”

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