The G-20 Summit-2010-1, is going to be held on 26th and 27th June 2010 at Toronto, Canada.What are G-20 countries?
Which are the members of the G-20?
G-20, a Group of Twenty Countries was established in 1999, to bring together systemically important industrialized and developing economies to discuss key issues in the global economy. “G-20” is made up of the finance ministers and central bank governors of 19 countries:
1. Argentina
2. Australia
3. Brazil
4. Canada
5. China
6. France
7. Germany
8. India
9. Indonesia
10. Italy
11. Japan
12. Mexico
13. Russia
14. Saudi Arabia
15. South Africa
16. Republic of Korea
17. Turkey
18. United Kingdom
19. United States of America
The European Union, who is represented by the rotating Council presidency and the European Central Bank, is the 20th member of the G-20.
Former G-20 Chairs:-
- 1999-2001 Canada
- 2002 India
- 2003 Mexico
- 2004 Germany
- 2005 China
- 2006 Australia
- 2007 South Africa
- 2008 Brazil
- 2009 United Kingdom
2010 G-20 Events:-
- Deputies Meeting, February 27-28, Korea. (Incheon Songdo)
- Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, April 23, USA. (Washington, D.C)
- Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, June 3-5, Korea. (Busan)
- G-20 Summit Meeting, June 26-27, Canada. (Toronto)
- Deputies Meeting, September, Korea. (Gwangju)
- Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, October, USA. (Washington, D.C)
- Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, N/A, Korea. (Gyeongju)
- G-20 Summit Meeting, November 11-12, Korea (Seoul)
I don't believe their work for sure
India should host it in recent future and the first and the foremost discussion must be on terrorism and the quick remedial action. Uttam Kumar Singh. Purnea
When this G is getting larger, like G22, Ethiopia will definitely be a member.
i am proud to be an indian
where is the Netherlands?
yes,India has to be, because he is the next worlds powerful country
I feel very proud that INDIA is one among this.
Capitalism have ruin the world too much competition between countries.
all this countries is the problem in the world.
The List Is Not So Bad,But A Wonderful Idea About South Africa Is Also Am0ng These Economies.
it is so bad that my country Nigeria is not among you G20 but i know we are coming there by the grace of God.
Where is my country (Nigeria)
Is so bad that my country Tanzania is not among you G20, but maybe when this G is getting large like G30, Tanzania will definitely be a member.
Its a good information
Total nu. Of countre 19 & european union countre too. then what is total nu. Of countres
Question is how many countres in G20
A.19 B.43 C. 20 D. ?
United states of America are the Control Freaks and this shit -f**ck off wth Capitalism
I would request to all members country that special take serious action against terror funding country and ban all type of relationship that country