There are many Television Channels in Tamil:- Sun TV K TV Sun Music Sun News Adhithya (Sun- Comedy) Sutti TV(Sun-Childrens) Vijay TV Jaya TV Jaya Plus Jaya Max Raj TV Raj Musix Raj Digital Plus Makkal TV Tamilzhan TV Podhigai(DD)…

There has been a recent speculation, belief or prediction that the world will end on the 21st December 2012. We have only three years and two and a half months left for the doomsday!Also there is a news that the…

Mr.Anil Ambani, the younger of the Ambani brothers is the present “India’s Top-Paid Executive, inspite of his foregoing his salary and commissions. However, a pay package of over Rs 52 Crores including Sitting fess and the payments for the previous…

English has become a universal language as more and more people are communicating using the language “English”. “Global Language Monitor” acknowledges now words when they appear more than 25 000 times in the global print media, the web, the blogsphere,…