Posted on 26th November 2007
We find that people are trying to lower cholesterol levels with the help of a group of drugs. We are thinking very low cholesterol is all we need to live a long and healthy life. Cholesterol is only one of…
Posted on 26th November 2007
Fruits and Vegetables will reduce Brain Stroke Risk by 25% Researchers from the University of London investigated 8 previous studies conducted in America, Europe and Japan involving more than 250,000 individuals. They found that people eating at least 5 servings…
Posted on 13th February 2008
“Papaya” is a pear shaped tropical fruit and than be as long as 7 to 20 inches. This fruit is available in the market throughout the year, but most abundant during the summer. Papaya is an amazingly rich source of…
Posted on 13th March 2008
A recent study is confirming that adolescents who skip breakfast have a higher risk of being overweight. There is a pretty significant inverse association between how frequently kids report eating breakfast and how much weight they gain over time. It…
Posted on 4th April 2008
Binge drinking teenagers are still at risk of absent-mindedness and forgetfulness days later, a study says. A team from Northumbria and Keele universities compared 26 binge drinkers with 34 non-bingers in memory tests, and found the drinkers fared worse. They…
Posted on 3rd April 2008
Coffee may cut the risk of dementia by blocking the damage cholesterol can inflict on the body, research suggests. The drink has already been linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s Disease, and a study by a US team for…
Posted on 12th April 2008
The debate about eggs and health has been open again by a new report on death and egg consumption. On the one hand, the study shows a higher death rate among men who eat seven or more eggs per…
Posted on 15th April 2008
In the present modern life style, we do not take care of our health and the consequences of our eating habits and other styles of life. Only when we land into trouble we realize the bad state of affairs being…