Posted on 23rd November 2008
Banana:- contains three natural sugars:-(1). sucrose,(2). fructose and(3). glucose. is a remedy for various illnesses and diseases apart from its being an energy provider. We must add banana in our daily diet menu. contains “Tryptophan”, a type of protein which…
Posted on 23rd November 2008
If we are obese/over-weight and have a big belly, we must try to lose our belly-fat and reduce our weight for the following reasons :-1. To select our dress, pants or shirts, from ready-mades easily, 2. To climb staircases without…
Posted on 23rd November 2008
We need many nutrients for the growth, maintenance and strength of our body. We get the various nutrients from various food items, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian/animal based food items. The following is a list of food items providing us with…
Posted on 18th November 2008
Mice have become a nuisance and unsolvable problem in our houses, offices and shops. Have you ever imagined when, where and how these troublesome mice sleep? Mice sleep mostly during day-time for 14 hours in holes made by them in…
Posted on 17th November 2008
Usually we don’t like to eat bitter gourd because of its bitter taste and its seeds. However bitter gourd has got many good nutrients.Bitter gourd contains:- Calcium, Pottasium, Copper, Iron, Vitamins A, B1 and B2. Eating bitter gourd enhances:- Digestion,…
Posted on 14th November 2008
Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD is characterized by:-Excessive/ exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events. People with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder tend to always expect disaster and cannot stop worrying about:- health, money/finance/wealth, family, work, office/school. In people…
Posted on 12th November 2008
Consumption of food items high in fibre including fruits and vegetables will significantly lower cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. Patients with heart disease and high cholesterol levels will benefit from these fibre food items.Fibre is a:- type…
Posted on 10th November 2008
Some people having bad breath will not realize that they have bad breath, while other people will be repelled by the unpleasant odour and find it difficult to stay near and talk to them. On the contrary, some people will…