Is your Grand-father/ Father feeling lonely and bored at his old age, after his retirement? Teach him Internet Surfing and let him have practice in frequent Internet Surfing. It will be a very good and useful companion to him, as…

Recent researches on Food Habits, have revealed that:- “If you crave some particular food items which are considered unhealthy, it will indicate that your body requires some nutrients, which can be obtained from some healthy food items. If you are…

A common and frequent body disorder or discomfort we get is Cold. Mostly, a cold is followed by Cough. Sometimes, cough is not accompanied by cold, which is called dry cough. Cough is due to irritation and infection in our…

Milk is basically a non-vegetarian food item, being obtained from animals. However, milk of cow/ buffaloe is taken by people having both non-vegetarian and vegetarian/vegan food habits, in view of the various nutrients available in milk. To supplement food to…

Nail Biting is a bad and dangerous habit in children and adults. Normally, this habit will start at the age of 10 years. Many adults will continue to have this habit for years together. Sometimes,nail biting is due to some…