Posted on 1st August 2008
In the Human Digestive System, for digesting ‘fat’ in the intestine, liver produces bile. Bile circulates in various directions and pass through various ducts including Gallbladder, which is a small bag-shaped organ just below liver. Bile treats Cholesterol, Bile Salts…
Posted on 31st July 2008
In 100 grams of pure lime juice the major ingredients are:- Water 90.79 grams Carbohydrates 8.42 grams Vitamin A 50mg Vitamin C 30mg Potassium 117 mg Calcium 14 mg Phosphorus 14 mg Magnesium 8 mg Sodium 2 mg Cholesterol Nil…
Posted on 30th July 2008
In human ‘Kidney’, urine is separated from blood, in the process of kidney’s function of purifying blood under circulation. From urine some crystals get separated to form a hard substance, which is called “Kidney Stone”. Kidney stones will be of…
Posted on 29th July 2008
Forgetfulness is the gift given by God to man. Man will forget things of the past, as the brain will store only recent things and unforgettable good/happy as well as bad/sad, things/happenings of the past. The brain will store very…
Posted on 29th July 2008
Ringworm is a kind of skin disease which will affect different parts of your body. By the name ring worm, you need not think it is caused by some worm. Ringworm is caused by some type of fungus called dermatophytes.…
Posted on 23rd July 2008
The Stomach has five layers:- Serosa or Outer Layer Sub Serosa or Support Tissues for the Outer Layer Muscles Layer Sub Mucosa or Support Tissues for the Inner Layer Mucosa or Inner Layer Stomach Cancer normally begins in the Inner…
Posted on 23rd July 2008
Lemon/Lime is rich in:- Vitamin C Flavonoids Citric Acid DrinkingLemon/ Lime juice will relieve you from:- Constipation Common Cold Fever Headache Asthma Ulcer Cancer Method of Preparation of a Tasty Lime Juice:-Take Lemon out of the refrigerator and roll it…
Posted on 21st July 2008
Lung Cancer is the leading cause of death both in men and women, in all the parts of the world. The number of deaths by Lung cancer has surpassed the number of deaths by Breast Cancer, Colo-rectal Cancer and Prostate…