In India, we frequently have ‘General Strikes’, ‘Total Bandhs’, ‘Strikes by Bank employees’, ‘Strikes by various types of employees’. We hear about ‘Lorry Strike’ and ‘Tanker Lorrys’ Strike’. Some bandhs are called by even the ruling parties. What are the…

Worrying will become a habit when we start worrying for everything in life. We can find that children, especially teenagers will be advised by the elders and the parents to worry about their future. If some guy is doing normally…

Hachidankin /baduanjin is a non-strenuous exercise and can be done by anyone of any age Hachidankin will regulate digestion and metabolism, thus helping weight reduction. Hachidankin will take just 10 minutes a day to perform. It is very easy to…

“Museums” as repositories for the preservation and exhibition of the objects of Historical, Scientific and Cultural interests. There are many museums in many cities of many countries throughout the world. In Newdelhi there is a “Museum of Toilets” set up…

A 20-year-old college student of PSG College Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu), has been partially blinded after he was allegedly ragged by his seniors here, police said on Saturday(Apr 11  2009). According to a complaint by P. Akhil Dev, a first year…

The SSLC/Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examinations commenced in Tamilnadu and Pondichery on 25th March 2009. Along with the candidates appearing through Schools many candidates appeared as private candidates. Out of the private candidates more than 100 private candidates wrote the…

International Women’s Day has been observed since in the early 1900’s, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies. In the year 1908, a great unrest…