Posted on 28th March 2016
‘Aadhar Letter’/’Card’ has been issued to the ‘Residents of India’, upon enrollment for the same, at specified ‘Aadhar Centers’, since September 2010. You can update (change/correct) your ‘Address’ and other ‘Data’ in your ‘Aadhar Card’. The following is a list…
Posted on 19th November 2008
A Passport is necessary for Indians to travel abroad. How to Apply for a Passport in India.To apply for a fresh Passport, you have to obtain the Passport Application Form from:- any of the Passport Offices or the designated Speed…
Posted on 4th July 2008
When we open Savings Bank account with “Cheque Facility” with a bank the Bank supplies us with a Cheque book, containing 10 or 25 Cheque Leaves. The Banks’ cheues are printed with the name of the Bank and the Branch.…
Posted on 3rd July 2008
The prices of petrol, diesel, kerosene and LPG are always increasing as a result of increase in the price of crude oil, the parent material of the above commodities. The following are some of the important factors that influence crude…
Posted on 8th July 2008
“IT PAN CARD” is a card issued by the Income Tax Department of the Government of India to individuals for the purpose of identification in various transactions and informations. It is a plastic card with the photo of the card…
Posted on 6th November 2008
In the human body there are some natural fluids secreted by various organs for cleaning and maintaining the organs. Some of them are:- Tears from the eyes, Saliva from the mouth, Mucus from the throat/nose, Sweating from the skin. Wax…
Posted on 7th November 2008
In India, it is mandatory under the law, as per the Registration of Births & Deaths Act, 1969, to register every birth/stillbirth with the concerned State/Union Territories Government within 21 days of its occurrence of the birth or death. The…
Posted on 23rd March 2009
“No life on earth can exist without water, And the ceaseless flow of that water cannot exist without rain.”- Thirukkural-Chapter 2- Verse Number 20 -translated in English. The divine poet Thiruvalluvar describes the speciality of rain in his second chapter,…